George Mlilo(Left) and Jacques Dupreez(right)
We are already in the middle of January 2012. It was good catching up with George Mlilo on what’s happening on the agricultural side at Ebenezer. This is what he said....
1. We are looking at the water situation carefully.
2. We are cutting back on the land under current use to the use of land that can be irrigated with the current water capacity.
3. We will be planting tomatoes in the first week of February. The previous tomato crop was ‘average’ due to water stress.
4. The butternut has done extremely well - Within the commercial bracket in terms of yields.
5. We did well on maize but there is room for improvement.
6. The melons and baby marrow have germinated really well. Infact, the baby marrow has fruits at the moment.
7. The peanut crop is very promising. The last fertiliser application was done last week.
What are your hopes for 2012?
In 2012, we are ‘upping’ the standard of crops. We are using the Foundation for Farming methods and therefore, we need to be faithful with the little we have and farm to a high standard.
By Molly Manhanga