
Happenings on the ground

  1. There still seems to be water problems. A new pump is expected to arrive tomorrow Monday 7 May 2012.
  2. There is lots of garlic seed which needs to be planted. The 2nd year apprentices will take on this task. they will probably plant 11 plots - each plot being 30m x 30m. 
  3. There is a very good harvest of peas which were planted by the 1st years.
  4. The tomatoes are doing well so far. The apprentices are hoping that they won't be hit by frost as temperatures are changing already as we head into our winter season.
  5. The 1st year boys are expecting to start harvesting thier onions by mid-June.
  6. More chicken houses will be going up starting tomorrow. The aim is to have 5000 chicken at Ebenezer soon and possibly 8 - 10 times that amount by year end!
  7. Rodney Spencer is spending more time on the ground and therefore is also spending more time with the apprentices.
Rodney Spencer and Mxwayisi Dube

Let's hope that the next quarter ..........and more ...........proves to be very fruitful for Ebenezer and that winter doen't wreck havoc on the crops.

By Molly Manhanga

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