
Reaching The Americans

A group of 12 Americans from different parts of the United States of America are visiting the Theological College of Zimbabwe which is based in Bulawayo. The purpose of their visit is to study theology and Community Development in Africa.

EBENEZER has had the privilege of hosting this team for 2 days.

As this team arrived at EBENEZER, they were officially introduced to the Ebenezer team and spent the morning getting to know what Ebenezer is all about.

With hearts to serve and do lots of HARD work, each American was teamed up with an apprentice and they worked in the apprentice’s field for the time that they were with us.

Braving the heat and getting stuck into manual labour, the Americans experienced “a day in the
life “of an EBENEZER apprentice. The joy and satisfaction of not only working hard but getting to know the apprentices on a one-on-one basis was a highlight.

The group ate what the apprentices ate: sadza, soya chunks and relish or sadza with goat meat, they listened to the talk given on HIV/AIDS and participated in the discipleship groups. They sat around a fire during our weekly evening Cell Meeting and danced and praised God, some played soccer with the apprentices while others engaged in a lively discussion on currant affairs around the world.

At the end of the day, they would sit in a trailer and be transported back to Shalom - the camp site that they were staying at which is about 5 km from Ebenezer. The activities of the day proved to be “too” exhausting for some of the American folk. As they lay down for the night, some “snoring” was heard. The American team, were in essence, getting to know more about each others habits as well.

An apprentice tomato field

In the short time that they were with us at EBENEZER, the group were struck by how far EBENEZER had progressed since opening in August 2007. They were impressed by the behaviour of the apprentices, how well they interact with each other, their sense of responsibility and their passion for their businesses.

Simple accommodation for the apprentices

The EBENEZER girls were very impressive. They not only work hard but they have overcome the mindset of "I can't do it".

“A worthwhile trip and eye-opener for the Americans”
…By Molly Manhanga…

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