Water everywhere

What's happening in Stores with Pretty Ndlovu

"It's very exciting to be in Stores. I have been selling tomatoes, maize, butternut, cabbage and onions to the community. These vegetables are brought into Stores by the apprentices. I buy from them and I sell to the community or to the town market. I write GRV's to the apprentices when they bring their produce to Stores and when they are buying, I write for them an inventory. It's very hard sometimes when there is alot of produce.
I am also learning computers every Tuesday and I am learning more about Business in Stores. I go to Crossroads Community Church. God is leading me in everything."
Molly Manhanga
Importance of work by Pastor Netha

Pastor Netha and his wife Faith are from New Life for All City Church and they were the guests of Honour at the Ebenezer graduation held recently at Ebenezer Training Centre. Pastor Netha’s speech focused on work but before that he shared briefly just how special Shalom Camp Site was to him as it was there that he gave his life to the Lord and he made mention of the late Janet Cunningham.
Pastor Netha encouragement came from Genesis 1. He started by saying when God created.....everything.....that was work, including creating man his own image and likeness. He then told man to have dominion. We need to work. He cited one of the problems faced by many Zimbabweans as that of wanting things for free instead of working: free seed, free hoes, free fertilisers, and free implements and so on. Things that come for free are a problem. Many people have said that Zimbabweans are hardworking people. Those were the Zimbabweans of old. These days, we seem to want things for nothing. He said that we have farmers who don’t want to go into the field. They don’t want to work. They need the truth as the truth shall set us free. If your child is always begging, you’ll have nothing in the end. We need to be a nation that works.
Pastor Netha encouragement came from Genesis 1. He started by saying when God created.....everything.....that was work, including creating man his own image and likeness. He then told man to have dominion. We need to work. He cited one of the problems faced by many Zimbabweans as that of wanting things for free instead of working: free seed, free hoes, free fertilisers, and free implements and so on. Things that come for free are a problem. Many people have said that Zimbabweans are hardworking people. Those were the Zimbabweans of old. These days, we seem to want things for nothing. He said that we have farmers who don’t want to go into the field. They don’t want to work. They need the truth as the truth shall set us free. If your child is always begging, you’ll have nothing in the end. We need to be a nation that works.

From Genesis to Revelation, we read about people working hard – Noah, Abraham etc. We need to work as it gives one dignity and brings identity. Pastor Netha encouraged people to have a work ethic. Jesus said “occupy until I come” and he was speaking about work. We want people who will work with their hands – we want hands that will be diligent. God told Adam to work in the garden Genesis 2:15. He told Adam to dress it and keep it – that means work. Adam giving the animals names was work. Genesis 3 says that we will eat of the sweat of your brow – work. Know who you are and know that God is your boss. Once you know that, you’ll work hard. A person who works has purpose.
Summarised by Molly Manhanga
Stuck in the mud

Last week the 30 tonne truck that was loaded with approximately 2,800 chickens couldn't make it's way out of Ebenezer. With all the rain we've had recently, the dirt roads are muddy and somewhat waterlogged. After many failed attempts, two tractors eventually pulled the truck out and it was able to head back into Bulawayo with the chickens.

By Molly Manhanga
What next for Nontobeko Sibanda?

I learnt alot in Business, Agriculture and Spiritual. I also learnt how to live as a young person and to lead by example. I will be joining the “Advancer” programme (Formally known as the Graduate programme) at Ebenezer in 2012. I’m hoping to gain more knowledge and to mature spiritually.
All the best in 2012.
Molly Manhanga
Short motivation by Godfrey Mhlanga

Godfrey Mhlanga was one of the invited guests at the recently held Ebenezer graduation. He encouraged the graduating class on knowing and keeping........
1. Your values
2. Yourself
3. Your life's purpose

1. Your faith
2. Your word
3. Time - there are 24 hours in a day and we can accomplish much in that time
The knowing and Keeping speak for themselves.
By Molly Manhanga
What next for Moreblessing Moyo?

I learnt how to farm, more about the things of God and how to run a business. I will be joining the “Advancer” programme (Formally known as the Graduate programme) at Ebenezer in 2012. I would like to gain more knowledge on farming and improve my Business knowledge.
All the best in 2012.
Molly Manhanga
Life after Ebenezer with Alert Ndlovu
Ebenezer Graduation

15 second year apprentices graduated from Ebenezer on Wednesday 14th December 2011 in front of approximately 300 people after spending 2 years learning Business, Agriculture and Spiritual. Pastor Netha was the Guest of Honour and he encouraged the graduating class on the importance of work. Godfrey Mhlanga motivated them to know their values, themselves and their life’s purpose. Each graduating apprentice received a certificate and the bag. Special awards were given to apprentices who excelled in different areas: Vusani Dube received a bicycle for being the best apprentice in Business and Agriculture. Alert Ndlovu excelled in Spiritual and he received a Bible and 2 books. Nontobeko Sibanda and Moreblessing Moyo received awards for being exemplary apprentices while Justin Thebe was the most improved apprentice.

The graduation was a huge success and it was exciting seeing parents and guardians rejoice with their children. The event ended with a luncheon. We look forward to Graduation 2012.
By Molly Manhanga
Meet Godfrey Mhlanga
It was wonderful seeing Godfrey and his lovely wife Sibongile again at the Ebenezer graduation. They are such a lovely couple. This is what Godfrey had to say……
M.M: How long have you been in ministry?
G.M: Since 1985 which makes it 26 years.
M.M: What have been the highlights of your ministry?
G.M: Families….restoring troubled marriages, giving guidance to positive parenting, giving families hope in time of HIV/AIDS and pre-marital counselling and guidance to young adults.
M.M: What challenges have you faced that you’d like to share?
G.M: We teach a lot on the benefits of abstinence so pregnancies out of wedlock and fornication weigh heavily on my heart especially when we’ve been walking with the young person for a long time.
M.M: What are your thoughts on the Ebenezer Graduation?
G.M: It’s a “wow” moment! May it grow 10 fold and reach many more young people. It’s good that the emphasis is on the rural people and no the city.
M.M: What do you do to relax?
G.M: I go to the internet and go onto Facebook and other social networks. It helps me connect and help people, even those I don’t know.
M.M: This is a first…..relaxing through facebook and social networks. It’s been a pleasure chatting to you Godfrey.
M.M: How long have you been in ministry?
G.M: Since 1985 which makes it 26 years.
M.M: What have been the highlights of your ministry?
G.M: Families….restoring troubled marriages, giving guidance to positive parenting, giving families hope in time of HIV/AIDS and pre-marital counselling and guidance to young adults.
M.M: What challenges have you faced that you’d like to share?
G.M: We teach a lot on the benefits of abstinence so pregnancies out of wedlock and fornication weigh heavily on my heart especially when we’ve been walking with the young person for a long time.
M.M: What are your thoughts on the Ebenezer Graduation?
G.M: It’s a “wow” moment! May it grow 10 fold and reach many more young people. It’s good that the emphasis is on the rural people and no the city.
M.M: What do you do to relax?
G.M: I go to the internet and go onto Facebook and other social networks. It helps me connect and help people, even those I don’t know.
M.M: This is a first…..relaxing through facebook and social networks. It’s been a pleasure chatting to you Godfrey.
By Molly Manhanga
Mkhululi Ncube's wedding is finally here!!!!

“The wedding preparations are abit tough because I haven’t received much from family members. They seem happy that I am buying the food items and clothing for the wedding. I feel so good because I love Caroline and in our culture, people are viewed differently when they are married. (More grown up per say, respected more etc. Having a church wedding is seen as having accomplished great things) Caroline is feeling honoured to be marrying a Christian man who is leading a church in Silozwe.
We get married on the 22nd December at Shalom Camp site. Oh, what a wonderful place for a wedding ceremony. At this time, we are still looking for a place to go for our honeymoon.
I am working for Beyond Belief at Antelope in Mapisa and after the wedding; we might do something different or go somewhere else if God says so. Our plan at the moment still hangs on Beyond Belief."
Thanks Cooper. May God richly bless you and Caroline as you tie the knot.
By Molly Manhanga
What next for Lorator Nyathi

I learnt about farming and how to be a businesswoman. I will be joining the “Advancer” programme (Formally known as the Graduate programme) at Ebenezer in 2012. I would like to continue farming.
All the best in 2012.
Molly Manhanga
Life after Ebenezer with Ndumiso
What next after Ebenezer?
I enjoyed my 2 years at Ebenezer but now I would like to go and at Fort Usher (near Rhodes Matopos National Park). I’ll be renting a piece of land and I’ll start farming on 5th January 2012.
All the best in your endeavours.....
I enjoyed my 2 years at Ebenezer but now I would like to go and at Fort Usher (near Rhodes Matopos National Park). I’ll be renting a piece of land and I’ll start farming on 5th January 2012.
All the best in your endeavours.....
Molly Manhanga
Meet Pastor Faith Netha

I met Faith Netha at the Ebenezer graduation and it was good chatting to her.....
M.M: How many years have you been in ministry?
F.N: Since 1984 which is a total of 27 years. We are pastors with New Life for All City church.
M.M: What have been the highlights of your ministry?
F.N: Seeing the ministry grow from about 40 people to approximately 2000, the 3 churches we’ve planted as a family and I’m passionate about women and want them to grow and be the women God intended them to be.
M.M: Excellent! Any challenges you’d like to share?

F.N: We need our own building, we don’t have room for Sunday School so we have to transport the children to a different venue and seeing women whose husbands go astray, or young people without parents.
M.M: What were your thoughts on the Ebenezer graduation?
F.N: It has been very good. The programme is transforming people’s lives and it’s a good platform to address issues. I really like the idea of rewarding good behaviour.
M.M: What do you do to relax?
F.N: I like watching Home Edition make over’s on television, gardening, flowers, lawns and putting up a nursery.
Thank you so much and great chatting to you.
By Molly Manhanga
Crops! A closer look

2. Preparations are being made for water melon and baby marrow. This is the first time and the apprentices are hoping they will do well.
3. Maize is being harvested at the moment. Some goes into town for sale while others are being sold in the community. The sales seem to be pretty good.
4. The downside about the maize at the moment is that the warthogs and monkeys are enjoying the cobs just as much as the people! The night guards light fires to deter the animals. Some nights it works and others it doesn’t.
5. The apprentices have finished harvesting the onions and are waiting for bean seeds to arrive.
6. Although the rains have been a blessing, the weeds have come to life. Some appy’s are on top of them while others need some encouragement.
7. The first year apprentices (July intake) are harvesting their tomatoes.
8. Apprentices are also busy correcting soil ph levels by using lime.
9. The main basal fertiliser used is compound D for carrots and melons but SSP (Single Super Phosphorus) is being used for ground nuts.
By Molly Manhanga
Super quick marketing update with Rod Spencer

It was great catching up with Rod yesterday on Marketing.
This is what he said:
" Marketing is looking positive and good. The variety of crop we have is better than in winter. We have just come out of a major onion flood on the market. The crops that are coming through are tomatoes (Danelia and Tejas variety),potatoes, green maize, dry onions and butternut."
" Marketing is looking positive and good. The variety of crop we have is better than in winter. We have just come out of a major onion flood on the market. The crops that are coming through are tomatoes (Danelia and Tejas variety),potatoes, green maize, dry onions and butternut."
Let's hope that the crops do really well both in the ground and on the market!
First years harvesting their tomatoes
By Molly Manhanga
Thoughts on the End of Year Exam
The first and second year apprentices wrote their end of year exams this week in Business, Agriculture, Spiritual, English and Maths. It was interesting getting feedback from some of the apprentices. They felt that Agriculture, Spiritual and Business were fine, but English and Mathematics was difficult. They argued that some of the Maths concepts were really hard to grasp like graphs, brackets, degrees and so on. Writing reports in English seemed a major task and generally just understanding the language itself. A second year apprentice commented that he was “seeing smoke” during the exam – in other words, he really BATTLED with the exam.
The apprentices are pleased that the exams are over and are awaiting their marks. They are also in serious preparations for graduation.
The apprentices are pleased that the exams are over and are awaiting their marks. They are also in serious preparations for graduation.
By Molly Manhanga
A few minutes with Jacques Du Preez

Think before you speak
What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
Mupani Worms
What do you do to relax?
What is your role at Ebenezer?
Interim agriculture manager
What is your goal for agriculture at Ebenezer in the next 6 months?
Making Ebenezer profitable
What is your role and thoughts on Major Tom?
I’m the Production Manager for Major Tom. (Major Tom is a set up where we are growing Tomatoes for processing. The processing plant will be in Bulawayo.) We use Beyond Belief as the out-growers for Major Tom. In essence we are empowering small scale farmers.
By Molly Manhanga
Meet Douglas Marikanda

D.M: I was an administrator at the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe offices here in Bulawayo.
M.M: What is your favourite sport?
D.M: Soccer. I support Chelsea.
M.M: What is your favourite quote?
D.M: I know that the Lord will supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory!
M.M: Are you married?
D.M: Yes. My wife's name is Marvelous and we have a son called Tawananyasha - meaning we have found grace. We have another child on the way.
M.M: Which church do you attend?
D.M: Bulawayo Baptist Church
M.M: What do you do to relax?
D.M: Reading, listening to gospel music and watching T.V.
M.M: I really hope you enjoy your administrative work and make many new friends.
By Molly Manhanga
A minute with Michelle Du Preez

What is your favourite meal?
Steak, egg and chips
What is your dream holiday?
A trip to Mauritius to chill out by the beach
What is your favourite quote?
Think before you speak
How would you describe your family life?
We are close and we respect each others privacy and space
What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
Raw oysters. They tasted jelly like with very little texture.
Steak, egg and chips
What is your dream holiday?
A trip to Mauritius to chill out by the beach
What is your favourite quote?
Think before you speak
How would you describe your family life?
We are close and we respect each others privacy and space
What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
Raw oysters. They tasted jelly like with very little texture.
By Molly Manhanga
Community Relations

By way of building great relationships within the community, the Ebenezer staff and/or apprentices attend or participate in community functions. It was quite a privilege when Stephen Manhanga (Pastor of Crossroads Community Church and responsible for Spiritual lessons at Ebenezer) was asked to be the Guest of Honour at Nduna Primary School’s (a local school within the community) annual Prize giving ceremony yesterday. The rainy weather did not stop the parents from coming to support their children and it was wonderful seeing a team from Family Impact also come and support the event: Garrett Martens from Idaho, USA who is serving at Family Impact for a month, Kudzai Matonga and Shelton Taguma. Representatives from the surrounding communities were in attendance as well as partners that work closely with Nduna Primary School.
Daniel 6:3 was the focus of Stephen’s speech. As he spoke about Daniel having an excellent spirit and distinguishing himself above the administrators, Steve encouraged the children and teachers to do likewise.
Daniel 6:3 was the focus of Stephen’s speech. As he spoke about Daniel having an excellent spirit and distinguishing himself above the administrators, Steve encouraged the children and teachers to do likewise.

Early Child Development kidz about to get capped
Facts about Nduna Primary School:
1. Location – Magobeni village
2. Number of children – 247
3. Number of orphans – 57
4. Head of the school – Mr Mpofu
5. Number of teachers – 7
6. Teacher/pupil ratio – 1:14
With this in mind, the school did extremely well in capping 30 little pupils from in ECD (Early Child Development) class or better known around Zimbabwe as Grade 0 (zero) and giving prizes to children that distinguished themselves academically, socially and had outstanding behaviour. Outgoing and incoming prefects also received awards. It was quite hilarious seeing the excitement of the parents. As their child’s name was called out, they went sprinting to their child to give them a big hug, lift them up and carry them to where Stephen was to either get capped or receive a prize. Despite the rain, the atmosphere was great – lots of laughter. The event ended at around lunch time.
1. Location – Magobeni village
2. Number of children – 247
3. Number of orphans – 57
4. Head of the school – Mr Mpofu
5. Number of teachers – 7
6. Teacher/pupil ratio – 1:14
With this in mind, the school did extremely well in capping 30 little pupils from in ECD (Early Child Development) class or better known around Zimbabwe as Grade 0 (zero) and giving prizes to children that distinguished themselves academically, socially and had outstanding behaviour. Outgoing and incoming prefects also received awards. It was quite hilarious seeing the excitement of the parents. As their child’s name was called out, they went sprinting to their child to give them a big hug, lift them up and carry them to where Stephen was to either get capped or receive a prize. Despite the rain, the atmosphere was great – lots of laughter. The event ended at around lunch time.
By Molly Manhanga
Back in Action!!!!

The “Handover, take over” was very brief........ as I am back to update you on the happenings at Ebenezer – a “stand in” measure………SO
What has been going on at Ebenezer this past month?
1. Graduation and Community Day preparations are underway. The event will be held at Ebenezer on 14th December.
2. Approximately 3 tonnes of tomatoes are being pushed out of Ebenezer daily. The major problem the apprentices are having with their tomatoes is late blight.
1. Graduation and Community Day preparations are underway. The event will be held at Ebenezer on 14th December.
2. Approximately 3 tonnes of tomatoes are being pushed out of Ebenezer daily. The major problem the apprentices are having with their tomatoes is late blight.

3. There are still lots of onions that are going into Bulawayo from Ebenezer.
4. Although the rains are a welcome relief, it has affected the electricity supply. There was a good downpour yesterday and it is expected to continue until Friday.
5. The apprentices are preparing to plant water melon, baby marrow, carrots and groundnuts. They may also plant butternut.
4. Although the rains are a welcome relief, it has affected the electricity supply. There was a good downpour yesterday and it is expected to continue until Friday.
5. The apprentices are preparing to plant water melon, baby marrow, carrots and groundnuts. They may also plant butternut.

6. Gerald and Laura Mangena will be having their baby in 3 weeks time. However, after graduation, they will move to Harare to join ONE Church which is led by Laura’s brother Sean Mullens.
7. Some of the Ebenezer staff were involved in a car accident recently whilst on their way to Maphisa to visit the field officers. Please pray for their continued recovery.
Read on for more on the Ebenezer scene……
7. Some of the Ebenezer staff were involved in a car accident recently whilst on their way to Maphisa to visit the field officers. Please pray for their continued recovery.
Read on for more on the Ebenezer scene……
By Molly Manhanga
Receiving the Baton....

Passing on the baton.......

“Hand over, take over” are the words normally used. Well, this is the end of the road for me in terms of keeping you updated on what is happening at Ebenezer. I may still write the occasional article. Change is a good thing when handled positively and correctly – fresh ideas, fresh style of writing and so on.
Ebenezer officially opened on the 15 August 2007 and the Blog started in June 2008 (3 years 4 months ago) It’s now time for me to pass the baton on.........
Thank you to everyone who has followed the Blog to date and for your constructive, positive and supportive comments. I hope you’ll continue to do so and see what God is doing in the hearts and lives of the young people in and around Kezi as well as see how He transforms communities.
As the apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished” this “race, I have kept the faith.”
God bless you all.........
Molly Manhanga
Snapshot of the 1st year appys - Zibusiso Mabhena

In the 3 months he has been at Ebenezer, Zibusiso has learnt much about farming and he enjoys lessons, particularly spiritual. He is now able to understand what is written in the Bible. He likes to share jokes with his friends, play football and draft (Board game).
Spiritual lesson in progress

It was interesting catching the end bits of a spiritual lesson Steve had with the 20 first year apprentices. The story he told was “The prophets speak of a coming King” and the question Steve asked the appy’s was “What have you learnt in today’s lesson?” Some of the responses were as follows:

1. God helped Solomon build a temple.
2. The Israelites were carried away for 70 years due to their disobedience. Disobedience has consequences.
3. God did not send a prophet a 400 years.
4. King Solomon obeyed God at first and then was disobedient. He had 300 wives and 700 concubines totalling 1000 “wives”. He went astray from God because he started worshipping the gods of foreign women.
5. Messiah means anointed one.
6. The Nation of Israel split into 2: The Northern (Israel) and Southern Kingdom (Judah). These nations were not united. Infact, there was a civil war.
2. The Israelites were carried away for 70 years due to their disobedience. Disobedience has consequences.
3. God did not send a prophet a 400 years.
4. King Solomon obeyed God at first and then was disobedient. He had 300 wives and 700 concubines totalling 1000 “wives”. He went astray from God because he started worshipping the gods of foreign women.
5. Messiah means anointed one.
6. The Nation of Israel split into 2: The Northern (Israel) and Southern Kingdom (Judah). These nations were not united. Infact, there was a civil war.

The apprentices then went on to ask questions before the lesson ended. It was great listening to how the apprentices participate in lessons. They obviously enjoy spiritual lessons.
By Molly Manhanga
Character Credentials by Steve Manhanga

Have you ever thought what people think about you or say about you. I’m sure people in Job’s time or community could have said alot about him and it’s amazing the choice of words the Bible uses to describe this man. In this verse, it tells us four things about Job:
1. He was blameless. A man who was righteous, meaning he lived in right relationship with God.
2. He was upright. He was respected by all - family, friends and foes.
3. He feared God. Job was a man who had a Godly fear. He trusted God in all things.
4. He shunned evil. Job loved God so much that he despised all things that were wrong and bad.
Job was a man of great character and personality. It is said of him that he made a covenant with his eyes that he would not sin against God.
I hope we will all try to be like Job. God is able to work in our hearts and lives so that we become more like him. I encourage you to read through this amazing book and some of the trials and tribulations Job went through.
Snapshot of 1st year appy's - Benefit Ndlovu

Benefit is 17 years old. He has one sister (many of us may remember Simangaliso Ndlovu either from Ebenezer or her work with Kidz Alive at Crossroads – Simanga is Benefits older sister) and 3 brothers. His mother died in 2001. 7 people live at their homestead.
Since coming to Ebenezer benefit has learnt how to grow tomatoes, how to use a sickle to cut grass and more importantly, he learnt that God is alive. Benefit enjoys staying together with other young men. He likes to play football and he is always smiling.
Onions to the market

It was great seeing how enthusiastic the apprentices pick their onions and bring them to stores. Justin Thebe collected quite a few bunches this week and delivered them to stores. His mode of transport was a donkey cart. The onions looked great.

Great looking onions
About 5000 onions were transported to the market last week and this week about 1,800.
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