We really need to hear something of your background Lance, but another time will do. For now, ‘up close’ on the realities on the ground will do….I know you have had highs and lows but tell us……
M.M:……..What is your greatest Joy?
L.E: Seeing the Ebenezer vision becoming a reality. The vision is to equip young people for life in Christ and it’s a joy seeing the apprentices transformed. It is the core of why we are here – to see young people passionate for God in everything they do, see and say.
M.M: What has been your greatest challenge as being the Operations Director of Ebenezer?
L.E: The greatest challenge has been trying to provide all the necessary inputs needed by the apprentices to make them profitable.
M.M: With joys and challenges, you probably have experienced disappointments?
L.E: Yes. Disappointments have been there, like having to dismiss apprentices, after trying to work with them and extending grace. Seeing the cabbage crop fail due to lack of water and the apprentices giving up on them was also a disappointment. The progress hasn’t been as I’d like it to be due to the Zimbabwe situation.
Peter Cunningham and Lance Edwards having a “light” moment in front of the camera!!!
M.M: With the business between Bulawayo town life and Ebenezer, do you see God’s hand on Ebenezer?
L.E: It’s not so much what I see but the feeling I get. Ebenezer is a special place. God is doing an amazing work here and I’m not surprised at all the battles we are facing. Ebenezer is a very important groundbreaking work. We are developing a model for the future.
M.M: How best would you describe the Ebenezer team?
L.E: The team is absolutely amazing. Only God could have put it together. The commitment and talents of the team are a blessing. With the nature of our work, the Ebenezer team is a driven and committed people. They work well together and are an example of Christian leaders living in very difficult circumstances.
M.M: Well put Lance. Thanks. How have you coped juggling work life and family life?
L.E: Work and Home life! Not very well. I was recently told to prioritize. Other things won’t be done as well which will result in people being unhappy. I need to live with the fact that I can’t do everything.
M.M: Wise words and very true. How do you de-stress?
L.E: By being able to talk with my wife Elizabeth at the end of the day. Being able to talk to someone close brings back perspective. I also de-stress by doing things that are not work related and not feeling guilty about it.
M.M: Any words of encouragement for the apprentices?
L.E: I’d encourage them to look at where they’ve come from and where they are now. They have a bright future and their dreams can become a reality. One important thing they need to realize is that the success of their business is equivalent to what they put in. Give to receive. What you put in is what you get out.

A more serious moment for Lance as he looks at the Ebenezer buildings...
M.M: Thank you so much Lance. It really was good catching a bit of your heart and seeing where you are at. We all appreciate everything you are doing.
“Keep on keeping on.”
Interviewed by Molly Manhanga