Vuyo Mpoposhe |
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Vuyo is one of the five 3D's serving at Ebenezer for 6 weeks. It was great chatting to him and getting to know him better. Here goes
M.M: tell me abit about yourself?
V.M: I was born in Mthatha, South Africa in 1993. I come from a family of 4 (My parents, my young sister and myself). We all attend the Methodist Church in Mthatha. I went to Queens College in Queens Town. I was supposed to be in university this year but I felt God say that I should go to 3D Outreach based in Benoni.
M.M: How did your parents react to this?
V.M: My mum was happy but my dad needed some convincing. Both my parents are christians.
M.M: How has 3D gone so far?
V.M: This is one of our first outreaches and it has been amazing. I'd recommend it to any young person.
M.M: Great. How has your time been at Ebenezer so far?
V.M: This is the only time I'm doing something practical like the gardens, building relationships, discipling young people and so on. (We need not only talk the talk but walk the walk as well.) It's a building process for me and I'm learning much about myself as I live radically for Christ.
M.M: How did you find the wedding at Crossroads on Sunday?
V.M: I was in the kitchen so i didn't see much of the wedding. I wanted to help out as much as I could cooking rice, sadza, meat, chicken, potatoes and making salad.
M.M: Fantastic! Go chef Vuyo! What is your favourite quote?
V.M: "Esse Quam Videri" which means
to be rather than to seem to be. It's adopted from my school motto.
M.M: Nice one. What's your favourite meal?
V.M: Anything that has alot of meat in it.
M.M: Following the true Ndebele style! What do you do to relax?
V.M: I play worship music on the guitar.
M.M: This has been great Vuyo. I really hope you enjoy your time at Ebenezer.
By Molly Manhanga