Gillian, better known as Gill comes from Wales, U.K. She is married to Kevin – 33years now and they have 2 children: Claire who is married to Mark and they have a son called Sam and another baby due in 2 weeks, and Richard who is married to Rosie.
M.M: What’s your favourite quote?
G.J: “If good men do nothing, evil men will prosper.”
M.M: Where do you work?
G.J: I work for the Baptist Missionary Society.
M.M: How long are you in Zimbabwe for?
G.J: We’ve been coming to Zimbabwe on and off. This is the 7th time.
M.M: I understand that you’re hoping to move to Zimbabwe?
G.J: We’re hoping to be in Zimbabwe by 1 November 2010. We’ll be based in Bulawayo working with Family Impact and ACET (Aids Care Education and Training)
M.M: Nice! What’s the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
G.J: Snake. It tasted like rubber and I ate hedgehog which tasted like bony meat.
M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
G.J: Peter because he was always making mistakes yet God used him incredibly. I can relate to that.
M.M: What do you hope to be doing in 5 years time?
G.J: I don’t know. I have learnt that when I make my plans, God always changes them.
M.M: Great chatting to you and I hope your move to Zimbabwe is smooth and you settle down quickly.
By Molly Manhanga
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