What a fantastic session we had this morning with Pastor Mark Macklin, senior Pastor of Christian Community Church, Hounslow, London. He spoke to the apprentices on Leadership. This is what he said…..
Leadership. What is it? Am I a leader? Is leadership for special people only? Everyone of us is a leader and there are different levels of leaders. You can have leaders in a church, in government, in different departments, at Ebenezer and so on. Leadership starts with me. I have to lead myself and lead myself well. If I can’t lead myself, then it will be hard to lead anything else. The younger we start, the easier it will be to put things in place.
There are 3 things to put in place:
1. The significance of leadership. Everything rises and falls on the leader.
2. There is a shortage of good, biblical leaders. God use me!
3. Be the best that you can be. Don’t copy someone else but be an original, a masterpiece of God. It’s all to easy to look at someone else
We looked at 8 characteristics of leadership. Jesus is our ultimate model of what a leader is but we focused on Nehemiah. Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.
a) Compassion – Love. Nehemiah was filled with compassion and love. He had a vision to do something about the walls of Jerusalem. Mark encouraged us to build a foundation in our hearts of love and compassion.
b) Prayer. Great leaders are people of prayer. What we do in public, let’s do in private. Let’s develop a prayer life. Nehemiah prayer for many days. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that the plan God has for us are not to harm us but to give us a hope a future. In times of prayer, God will show us these plans. During difficult times as leaders, let’s pray.
c) Cheerful person. In Zimbabwe, it seems like the people are friendly and cheerful. Nehemiah 2:1. Be cheerful, upbeat and encouraging. The gospel is good news and it changes people’s lives. John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.”
d) Concentration or focus. Remain focused on what you are doing. Don’t be distracted but keep focused on the goal. Nehemiah was a focused leader.
e) Incredibly creative. Have a plan. We won’t always have everything we need. We will have a lack or need. God is a creative God – just look at creation or look at each other. Look to God for creativity, wisdom and a plan to move forward. Nehemiah was creative.
f) Courageous. Nehemiah said, “I am going to do what God has called me to do.” Courage is faith. Take a risk. Peter walked on water. He had faith to risk taking a step out of the boat.
g) Clear conscience. Nehemiah was a leader with a clear conscience. He was a man with integrity, honesty and did not do the wrong thing with the hope of covering it up. “Doing right is always right.” God always honours leaders who show integrity and have a clear conscience. God is looking for openness and honesty. Nehemiah didn’t let success take over him.
h) Conviction. God called Him to do something. There are lots of things that will come our way and try and take us away from what God has called me to do. Don’t let people take it away or distract me. Lots of people make a great start and get tired half way. Don’t give up. Let’s be good starters and great finishers. The key to finishing strong is conviction in my heart.

Pastor Mark Macklin
Mark finished off by reading one of my favourite scriptures that I hold close to my heart; Isaiah 41:10 "Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”
Summarised by Molly Manhanga
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