Ruth 1:16 “Ruth said, do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God.”
Ruth faced many challenges in her life. The most difficult being the death of her husband Chilion. She was then faced with having to make a choice or decision about her future. Her sister in law Orpah, when given the choice left Naomi and went to pursue her new found freedom. Ruth chose to stay with her mother in law and be faithful to her. As a result of this God gave Ruth amazing favour and she gets married to Boaz. She goes one step further in being used by God to be the royal line or linage of David and then of Jesus. You see loyalty brings royalty.
This all started through Ruth’s faithfulness and devotion to her mother in law and hence is rewarded with a husband, child and honour of being part of the genealogy of Jesus. We don’t know what honour awaits us if we are truly loyal to the Lord. Let’s remain faithful, true and obedient to the Lord.
Ruth faced many challenges in her life. The most difficult being the death of her husband Chilion. She was then faced with having to make a choice or decision about her future. Her sister in law Orpah, when given the choice left Naomi and went to pursue her new found freedom. Ruth chose to stay with her mother in law and be faithful to her. As a result of this God gave Ruth amazing favour and she gets married to Boaz. She goes one step further in being used by God to be the royal line or linage of David and then of Jesus. You see loyalty brings royalty.
This all started through Ruth’s faithfulness and devotion to her mother in law and hence is rewarded with a husband, child and honour of being part of the genealogy of Jesus. We don’t know what honour awaits us if we are truly loyal to the Lord. Let’s remain faithful, true and obedient to the Lord.
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