Have you ever thought what people think about you or say about you. I’m sure people in Job’s time or community could have said alot about him and it’s amazing the choice of words the Bible uses to describe this man. In this verse, it tells us four things about Job:
1. He was blameless. A man who was righteous, meaning he lived in right relationship with God.
2. He was upright. He was respected by all - family, friends and foes.
3. He feared God. Job was a man who had a Godly fear. He trusted God in all things.
4. He shunned evil. Job loved God so much that he despised all things that were wrong and bad.
Job was a man of great character and personality. It is said of him that he made a covenant with his eyes that he would not sin against God.
I hope we will all try to be like Job. God is able to work in our hearts and lives so that we become more like him. I encourage you to read through this amazing book and some of the trials and tribulations Job went through.
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