
Meet the 1st Year Appy's - Ambitious Mpala

Ambitious Mpala

I come from Kezi which is approximately 40km from Ebenezer. I live with my father. My mother passed away recently - on the 15th June 2012. I have 6 brothers and 3 sisters and I am number 8 in my family. I went to Shashane Secondary School and finished in form 3. I couldn't complete high school due to lack of finances. 

Life at Ebenezer after 1 month
My time at Ebenezer has already changed me. I can now pray and I have received the Lord as my personal saviour. I attend New Life for all Church. We haven't started lessons yet as they will begin in September. I have been digging planting stations and so far I have dug 50. my favourite meal is rice and chicken. I have made new friends at Ebenezer.

Learnt to date
I've learnt practicals like digging holes and keeping chickens.

Let's hope Ambitious will grow in her personal walk with God and learn many more things during her 2 years at Ebenezer.

By Molly Manhanga

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