Sara comes from Pennsylvania, USA and she grew up on a dairy farm. Currently she is based in California attending Fuller Seminary. Sara is 29 years old. She is serving at Ebenezer for 2 months.
M.M: Tell me about your family?
S.H: I have one brother. My dad is a life-long farmer and my mum retired from teaching 2 years ago. My brother is a 5th generation farmer. He always knew he wanted to be a farmer.
M.M: I understand you are studying at the moment. What are you studying?
S.H: A Masters in cross-cultural studies, focusing on international development.
M.M: Sounds interesting! What do you intend doing after you complete your studies?
S.H: It’s hard to say. I would love to be involved in agriculture, subsistence farming and sustainable livelihoods but I’m not too sure how.
M.M: Is this your first time to Zimbabwe?
S.H: Yes and it’s a lot more developed than I anticipated. It’s the Africa that I saw in the movies. It’s beautiful.
M.M: What do you think of Ebenezer?
S.H: It’s incredible to see all that God is doing through this place. I didn’t know what to expect when I came but there is a lot more than I anticipated. The 3 components – agriculture, spiritual and business are important.
M.M: Who has influenced you the most recently?
S.H: My boyfriend Matt Hillegass (Matt is serving at Ebenezer for close to 3 weeks before he heads back to the States)
M.M: Any words of encouragement?
S.H: Come and see for yourself. It’s hard to communicate the experiences like this in words. Go out of your comfort zone!
M.M: Thanks Sara. Great having you at Ebenezer and I really hope you enjoy your stay with us.
M.M: Tell me about your family?
S.H: I have one brother. My dad is a life-long farmer and my mum retired from teaching 2 years ago. My brother is a 5th generation farmer. He always knew he wanted to be a farmer.
M.M: I understand you are studying at the moment. What are you studying?
S.H: A Masters in cross-cultural studies, focusing on international development.
M.M: Sounds interesting! What do you intend doing after you complete your studies?
S.H: It’s hard to say. I would love to be involved in agriculture, subsistence farming and sustainable livelihoods but I’m not too sure how.
M.M: Is this your first time to Zimbabwe?
S.H: Yes and it’s a lot more developed than I anticipated. It’s the Africa that I saw in the movies. It’s beautiful.
M.M: What do you think of Ebenezer?
S.H: It’s incredible to see all that God is doing through this place. I didn’t know what to expect when I came but there is a lot more than I anticipated. The 3 components – agriculture, spiritual and business are important.
M.M: Who has influenced you the most recently?
S.H: My boyfriend Matt Hillegass (Matt is serving at Ebenezer for close to 3 weeks before he heads back to the States)
M.M: Any words of encouragement?
S.H: Come and see for yourself. It’s hard to communicate the experiences like this in words. Go out of your comfort zone!
M.M: Thanks Sara. Great having you at Ebenezer and I really hope you enjoy your stay with us.
By Molly Manhanga
Thanks for sharing about my niece, Sara. I am very grateful for how the Lord uses her in so many ways.
Aunt Dorcas
My niece, Sara, has been my inspiration to "go beyond my comfort zone" as I recently traveled to the Dominican Republic on a Medical Mission trip. God sure "stretched my heart" in the D.R. I am so glad that Sara has paved the way for me in her willingness to go "beyond her comfort zones" and demonstrate God's love through her agricultural interests to those less privileged.
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