Ebenezer’s “home schooling” system started on the 14th January 2011 and it is being run by Mrs Nyamayaro. Currently she has 2 students in Grade 2 or Year 2 - Khiwa and Nyasha. These boys are full of energy and keep Mrs Nyams on her toes. Mrs Nyamayaro is really enjoying teaching as this keeps her busy. Age may be a deterring factor in sporting activities but Mrs Nyamayaro has roped in Laura Mangena to assist with the sporting/fun afternoon curriculum which is done 3 afternoons a week.

The first term ended today and in summing it up, Mrs Nyamayaro said it was an exploratory term as the children were at different levels, their discipline has improved and so has their reading and writing skills. The boys generally are doing well.
Second Term starts on Tuesday 10 May 2011.
By Molly Manhanga
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