It was just excellent having Mark Absolom with us again in Kezi. He visited us in November 2008. Mark is married to Lesley and they have been married for 25years. He has an excellent sense of humour. It was good catching up with him. This is what Mark said......
M.M: From November 2008 to now, what noticeable changes can you see at Ebenezer?
M.A: There is progression with physical buildings at both Ebenezer and Crossroads. Ebenezer has a dining hall, irrigation, staff houses, lots more students, more dorms, a chicken project and the plots look impressive.
M.M: What about changes at Crossroads?
M.A: There is a huge difference with Crossroads. When I came the first time there was “nothing” physically but now there are guys living on site, there are toilets, the Kidz Block is complete and there is a grinding mill which serves the community. There is both spiritual and physical growth – the church has grown numerically and so has the children’s work. The church will grow even more being placed in the community. Foundations for Farming is also beginning to transform rural and urban areas.
M.M: What are your thoughts on the emerging leaders?
M.A: There is growth of leadership. Stephen and Molly are modelling what is right and good. You are trying to build a team of leaders. There is progress. You get an essence of God’s family with an international flavour. It doesn’t matter where you are, you can participate in the Crossroads vision.

Mark Absolom
M.M: So true! How did you feel after your preach at Crossroads and your time with combined Family Groups at Ebenezer?
M.A: I shared on the Armour of God and how we can bring down the giants in our lives. It was a follow on from Andrew Ellis’s preach on Idols. The Wednesday Family Groups were more relaxed and there was time for questions. I spoke about being a man and tackled some taboos like men crying or expressing emotion, provision, leadership, sacrifice, qualities to look for in a man or woman etc.
M.M: Sounds excellent. Any “different” kind of food you’ve eaten at Ebenezer?
M.A: I ate cow hoof and that tasted like rubbery jelly. I also ate kapenta which tasted nice.
M.M: What is your favourite quote?
M.A: Florence Nightingale “It takes as much skill to bring life into the world. How much more we need to enable people to leave it.”
M.M: What is your favourite drink?
M.A: Good English ale like Hobgoblin and Furstyferret and a nice bit of mature cheddar with real butter and crackers and pickles and onions AND traditionally a good English curry.
M.M: I just got to ask - will the Cherries get promotion?
M.A: As we leave, they are 6th place in the play off position. Thanks for the continued support and prayers from Ebenezer. We need it!
M.M: Thanks Mark. So good chatting to you. Enjoy your time in Zimbabwe.
By Molly Manhanga
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