
Catching up with Matt Hosier

Matthew Hosier

What a joy and privilege having Matt Hosier, leader of Gateway Church, Poole, U.K, come out to Kezi, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He is a GREAT person: an awesome gentleman, great sense of humour, fun to be around and a treasured friend. Matt served us so well at Ebenezer and was brilliant at camp Momentum. I have so enjoyed chatting to him before and during camp Momentum 2010 in Kezi, Bulawayo.

M.M: What are your thoughts on Camp Momentum 2010?
M.H: Brilliant. It’s great to be here. New Creation church is maturing and growing, building businesses. It’s awesome.

M.M: How do mercy ministries flourish in thriving, evangelistic, local churches?
M.H: Each Church needs to work out the Kingdom of God. Everything is God’s. The Church is bringing the Kingdom of God in action by proclaiming the Cross. Our Kingdom mandate is providing Isaiah 61 and this flows from a healthy church.

M.M: What do you think of churches engaging in culture and society more intentionally in our generation and are there dangers?
M.H: There are definite dangers if the church doesn’t speak into culture/society e.g. the effects of Nazism in Germany. The church didn’t speak out. There is the danger of getting too involved in culture and forgetting about the gospel. There needs to be an appropriate balance. The Church is the hope of the world and having Christians in positions of influence is a good thing.

M.M: There is a growing interest in Chronological Bible Storying amongst oral cultures. What are your thoughts on Chronological Bible Storying (CBS)?
M.H: People need to understand the story of the Bible. God is redeemer, reconciler, we are inheritors of all His promises. People need to understand Genesis to Revelation of God wanting a people. In any culture people need to grasp this story.

Matt Hosier at his seminar “Bring it on.”

M.M: What makes you “tick” or what are the virtues that drive you?
M.H: Loyalty – it reflects the faithfulness of God, love my wife and family well, practice what I teach, curiosity of all kinds of things – intellectual curiosity and interesting creativity.

M.M: Thank you so, so much Matt. It’s always a real pleasure chatting to you.

By Molly Manhanga

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