I really enjoyed chatting to Robert Sheetz at Ebenezer. He is one of the Pastors at Manor Church and he is better known as Bob. I enjoyed listening to his story. He had so much great stuff to share on marriage and life, it was wonderful.
M.M: Tell me briefly about yourself?
R.S: I’m married to Donna and we have 4 children. We adopted 3 Korean children and we have 1 “home-made” child. We have 8 grandchildren. Donna and I grew up together and we’ve been married for 45 years.
M.M: How would yo describe your family life?
R.S: Our children are all grown up now. Donna and I are doing well.
M.M: Being married for 45 years is truly a blessing. What in your opinion makes a good marriage?
R.S: Die to self, give and take and oneness, otherwise you’ll flow in different directions. Commitment, passion, intimacy, being vulnerable with each other and trusting each other.
M.M: Yes! Yes! Yes! Have you been to Africa before and to Zimbabwe?
R.S: I’ve been to Kenya 3 years ago but this is my first time to Zimbabwe. It’s a desperate situation but there is hope for a better Zimbabwe. It’s beautiful here and has so much to offer the world. I see people who have been beaten down but haven’t lost hope.
M.M: We sure haven’t! Your thoughts on Ebenezer?
R.S: I’m thrilled with Ebenezer. The vision is spectacular especially having people take care of themselves.
M.M: What’s your favourite quote?
R.S: “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” John F Kennedy
M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
R.S: David. He was a hunter, shepherd; his was brave and a great man. He was real and he knew his strengths and weaknesses.
M.M: What do you hope to be doing in 5 years time?
R.S: I’ll probably be free from my post/position but I’m not sure where I’ll get plugged in. My favourite hobby is competitive archery where I meet people that are not Christians and I’ve made many contacts. I’ll get out there, be hospitable and build relationships. With love, I’ll bring people into the kingdom. I know that I won’t sit in a rocking chair on my front porch and be bored.
M.M: Way to go Bob! When it comes to what really matters in life – relationships and the things of God, one is never too old.
M.M: Tell me briefly about yourself?
R.S: I’m married to Donna and we have 4 children. We adopted 3 Korean children and we have 1 “home-made” child. We have 8 grandchildren. Donna and I grew up together and we’ve been married for 45 years.
M.M: How would yo describe your family life?
R.S: Our children are all grown up now. Donna and I are doing well.
M.M: Being married for 45 years is truly a blessing. What in your opinion makes a good marriage?
R.S: Die to self, give and take and oneness, otherwise you’ll flow in different directions. Commitment, passion, intimacy, being vulnerable with each other and trusting each other.
M.M: Yes! Yes! Yes! Have you been to Africa before and to Zimbabwe?
R.S: I’ve been to Kenya 3 years ago but this is my first time to Zimbabwe. It’s a desperate situation but there is hope for a better Zimbabwe. It’s beautiful here and has so much to offer the world. I see people who have been beaten down but haven’t lost hope.
M.M: We sure haven’t! Your thoughts on Ebenezer?
R.S: I’m thrilled with Ebenezer. The vision is spectacular especially having people take care of themselves.
M.M: What’s your favourite quote?
R.S: “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” John F Kennedy
M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
R.S: David. He was a hunter, shepherd; his was brave and a great man. He was real and he knew his strengths and weaknesses.
M.M: What do you hope to be doing in 5 years time?
R.S: I’ll probably be free from my post/position but I’m not sure where I’ll get plugged in. My favourite hobby is competitive archery where I meet people that are not Christians and I’ve made many contacts. I’ll get out there, be hospitable and build relationships. With love, I’ll bring people into the kingdom. I know that I won’t sit in a rocking chair on my front porch and be bored.
M.M: Way to go Bob! When it comes to what really matters in life – relationships and the things of God, one is never too old.
By Molly Manhanga
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