Stephen Dewing is part of Cosmos HealthCare Inc. medical team that comes from Perth, Australia. He attends South Perth Church of Christ in Western Australia. The team have been in Zimbabwe since 2 September and have done various clinics in and around Bulawayo. It was great having them at Ebenezer as well as doing the outreach at Crossroads Community Church.
M.M: Tell me briefly about your background?
S.D: I was born into a Christian missionary family so I had missions on my heart. At the age of 5 we moved to Perth. I made a commitment to Christ aged 9. I always wanted to do missions work but I didn’t know what. After school the Lord started showing me what to do and I got into missionary aviation. I went to WEC International. After my training I joined Aerial Missions in Western Australia.
M.M: When did you meet your wife?
S.D: I met my wife Lynette when I was 25 years old. We married a year later and we have 3 children: Talitha who is 21, Heidi who is 19 and Jonathan who is 16 years.
M.M: How best would you describe your family life?
S.D: Very busy! Both my wife and I are ‘workaholics’ and are busy with many things. God has blessed us as a family and we’ve lived by faith for 20 years.
M.M: You lead the team Cosmos HealthCare Inc. How many countries do you minister in?
S.D: We have been to India and we go there annually and this is our 2nd trip to Zimbabwe. In October this year, we will be going back to India.
M.M: What are the highlights of medical ministry?
S.D: In India, we’ve seen many people come to know the Lord. We work with the Pastor of the church and this ministry breaks down barriers. There has been Church growth. We see the results of the previous year and testimonies are always exciting.
M.M: Wonderful. Any challenges you’d like to share?
S.D: Turning people away at the end of the day breaks your heart. The heat is a challenge and working in harsh environments with practically no facilities is hard. Seeing medical conditions here that we don’t see in Australia, no water and electricity and seeing people with AIDS, who you know are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it, hurts. It breaks your heart.
M.M: That is really difficult. What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
S.D: Warthog. It smelt and tasted warthog.
M.M: What is your favourite quote?
S.D: C.T Studd “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”
M.M: Any words of encouragement you’d like to share?
S.D: God is not looking for our ability as much as our availability.
M.M: Thanks so much Stephen. I hope you and your team are blessed as you continue serving in Zimbabwe.
M.M: Tell me briefly about your background?
S.D: I was born into a Christian missionary family so I had missions on my heart. At the age of 5 we moved to Perth. I made a commitment to Christ aged 9. I always wanted to do missions work but I didn’t know what. After school the Lord started showing me what to do and I got into missionary aviation. I went to WEC International. After my training I joined Aerial Missions in Western Australia.
M.M: When did you meet your wife?
S.D: I met my wife Lynette when I was 25 years old. We married a year later and we have 3 children: Talitha who is 21, Heidi who is 19 and Jonathan who is 16 years.
M.M: How best would you describe your family life?
S.D: Very busy! Both my wife and I are ‘workaholics’ and are busy with many things. God has blessed us as a family and we’ve lived by faith for 20 years.
M.M: You lead the team Cosmos HealthCare Inc. How many countries do you minister in?
S.D: We have been to India and we go there annually and this is our 2nd trip to Zimbabwe. In October this year, we will be going back to India.
M.M: What are the highlights of medical ministry?
S.D: In India, we’ve seen many people come to know the Lord. We work with the Pastor of the church and this ministry breaks down barriers. There has been Church growth. We see the results of the previous year and testimonies are always exciting.
M.M: Wonderful. Any challenges you’d like to share?
S.D: Turning people away at the end of the day breaks your heart. The heat is a challenge and working in harsh environments with practically no facilities is hard. Seeing medical conditions here that we don’t see in Australia, no water and electricity and seeing people with AIDS, who you know are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it, hurts. It breaks your heart.
M.M: That is really difficult. What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
S.D: Warthog. It smelt and tasted warthog.
M.M: What is your favourite quote?
S.D: C.T Studd “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”
M.M: Any words of encouragement you’d like to share?
S.D: God is not looking for our ability as much as our availability.
M.M: Thanks so much Stephen. I hope you and your team are blessed as you continue serving in Zimbabwe.
By Molly Manhanga
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