Prospective apprentices arrived at Ebenezer on Friday for the weekend of the Selection Camp. About 40+ young people turned up and of these, between 25 – 30 would be selected for the next intake which begins in 6 weeks time. There were more boys than girls that turned up and that was to be expected.
The prospective apprentices played volleyball before the evening session began where the vision of Ebenezer and expectations were shared. On the Saturday morning, they had an early morning run from Shalom Camp Site to Ebenezer Training Centre – approximately 5km run. They enjoyed the tour of Ebenezer which was led by George and Siphilisiwe Mlilo. The prospective apprentices appreciated and were motivated by what they saw on the ground. They seemed to ask lots of questions too.
The prospective apprentices played volleyball before the evening session began where the vision of Ebenezer and expectations were shared. On the Saturday morning, they had an early morning run from Shalom Camp Site to Ebenezer Training Centre – approximately 5km run. They enjoyed the tour of Ebenezer which was led by George and Siphilisiwe Mlilo. The prospective apprentices appreciated and were motivated by what they saw on the ground. They seemed to ask lots of questions too.

The prospective apprentices also seemed to enjoy teaming up with the 1st or 2nd years and working in their fields for a while. The academics were a little more challenging as the new apprentices had to put on their “thinking caps”. They had short lessons in agriculture led by Ska Matshlaga, Spiritual by Stephen Manhanga and Business led by Siphilisiwe Mlilo. The English and Maths tests proved to be a challenge to some of the apprentices.

I have a dream!
Stephen Manhanga put up this banner as part of his “Spiritual” display. ‘I Have a Dream’ by Martin Luther king Jr is just apt for the prospective apprentices who come on the Selection Camp having a dream and if selected, they realise they are a step closer to their dream.
It was interesting that quite a few apprentices that attended the Selection Camp this past weekend were from Mablauwuni and Magobeni villages which are real close to Ebenezer. In the past, most apprentices would come from villages that are 4 – 5 hours walk.
Read more to find out pt 2 of the Selection Camp.......
By Molly Manhanga
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