2. Preparations are being made for water melon and baby marrow. This is the first time and the apprentices are hoping they will do well.
3. Maize is being harvested at the moment. Some goes into town for sale while others are being sold in the community. The sales seem to be pretty good.
4. The downside about the maize at the moment is that the warthogs and monkeys are enjoying the cobs just as much as the people! The night guards light fires to deter the animals. Some nights it works and others it doesn’t.
5. The apprentices have finished harvesting the onions and are waiting for bean seeds to arrive.
6. Although the rains have been a blessing, the weeds have come to life. Some appy’s are on top of them while others need some encouragement.
7. The first year apprentices (July intake) are harvesting their tomatoes.
8. Apprentices are also busy correcting soil ph levels by using lime.
9. The main basal fertiliser used is compound D for carrots and melons but SSP (Single Super Phosphorus) is being used for ground nuts.
By Molly Manhanga
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