“My work is good. The tomatoes we planted did well. We were picking 1½ tonnes per day which is 9 tonnes a week. We picked 52 tonnes of tomatoes in the first year apprentice’s fields and our main target was 60 tonnes (a shortfall of 8 tonnes). I think we did well. We are now preparing to plant cabbages and broccoli in 2 hectares at the beginning of February.
Our main challenge has been water.....the crops have suffered from water stress due to the size of the irrigation pipes at Ebenezer (too small). Spraying the crops has also been a challenge because using a knapsack sprayer is time consuming for the number of plots we have. I have been given a spray-blower but getting petrol is the challenge. I hope things will improve in 2012.
It has been easy teaching and working with some of the apprentices because they listen and implement what they are taught. I also do some discipleship as I minister God through farming – God is at the centre of everything. I find discipling the boys easier than as a whole group because the ladies need a woman to discuss some issues.
I enjoy my job and give God all the glory. I’m hoping to teach more people in the next 2 years and not only those at Ebenezer. I feel this is what God would have me do.”
Fantastic! Mbusiso and his family attend Crossroads Community Church. He is one of the emerging leaders who are working closely with Stephen Manhanga.
By Molly Manhanga
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