Are you satisfied with how things are? Are you satisfied with what you have? God has so much more that he wants to give. Will you find your satisfaction in God? Paul is speaking to the Philippians in Philippians 4:11 – 13 “Now I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Don’t settle here. God has so much more for you to enjoy.
Psalm 103:1 – 22 This is a stirring and wonderful scripture. Being satisfied with good is a benefit of being in God. Remember these benefits:
1. Forgiven all our sins and iniquities. Sense of knowing we can be forgiven. Jesus provides that for us. Jesus forgives us all the time. This is the entry point to finding satisfaction.
2. Healing. God can heal all our diseases. Let’s come for inner and external healings. Come expecting and believing.
3. Ransomed and redeemed. God has ransomed and redeemed our life from the pit. Not bound from hell. The pit has no hold on us because of Jesus.
4. Crowned. God has crowned us with love and mercy. We are being treated like royalty. It is a crown of love and mercy that is forever….from everlasting to everlasting. God knows Kezi and Ebenezer. He isn’t impressed by external appearances. Its people that matter to him. It’s where His people are that matter to Him.
5. Satisfies us with good. Where am I finding my satisfaction? He satisfies us with good.
Come before God and He will strengthen us. We’ll feel alive in Him and satisfied in Jesus.
What came before the benefits? Bless the Lord, oh my soul. There is a sense of praise, of blessing to God that comes in the beginning. Bless him; praise him with all our being. Be thankful and have hearts of gratitude. Tell one another what He done. Tell yourself what God has done for you. Help each other see how good God is especially when we are down. We need someone else to help lift our arms e.g. Moses
• Bless
• Remember
• Forgiven
• Healed
• Redeemed
• Crowned
• Satisfied
Summarized by Molly Manhanga
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