Adam comes from Camberley, Surrey and he is serving at Ebenezer/Crossroads for 2½ months.
M.M: Tell me about your background?
A.S: I’m the eldest of 4 children to Mark and Beverley Landreth-Smith. I have seen the Beacon Church grow to 300 since 1994 from 2 families. I became a Christian in 1996. I studied civil engineering in 2007 – 2010 in Chelmsford, Essex, U.K.
M.M: What do you enjoy?
A.S: I love football, films, the Bible and my mother’s cooking
M.M: What is your favourite film?
A.S: Batman
M.M: Is this your first time to Zimbabwe?
A.S: Yes
M.M: ….and you’re serving in rural Zimbabwe! What are your impressions after your week out here?
A.S: Rural Zim is very sparse, lots of space, lots of heat. The people are very friendly. Jesus is here. The buildings are very interesting. I look forward to seeing the crops.
M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
A.S: Daniel
M.M: Tell me about your background?
A.S: I’m the eldest of 4 children to Mark and Beverley Landreth-Smith. I have seen the Beacon Church grow to 300 since 1994 from 2 families. I became a Christian in 1996. I studied civil engineering in 2007 – 2010 in Chelmsford, Essex, U.K.
M.M: What do you enjoy?
A.S: I love football, films, the Bible and my mother’s cooking
M.M: What is your favourite film?
A.S: Batman
M.M: Is this your first time to Zimbabwe?
A.S: Yes
M.M: ….and you’re serving in rural Zimbabwe! What are your impressions after your week out here?
A.S: Rural Zim is very sparse, lots of space, lots of heat. The people are very friendly. Jesus is here. The buildings are very interesting. I look forward to seeing the crops.
M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
A.S: Daniel

Adam concentrating real hard!
M.M: What’s your favourite drink?
A.S: In the morning – OJ. In the afternoon - milkshake. When it’s hot – coke and when it’s cold – tea.
M.M: Interesting! A drink for all occasions. What did you think of the service at Crossroads Community Church?
A.S: It was my first time in a rural church. It’s incredible how people live out here. I am very impressed. The worship is very enjoyable even though I don’t understand the songs. People don’t have much but they have big hearts, big smiles and make the most of everything else. Unkulunkulu Muhle.
M.M: Go Adam! You’re picking up Ndebele quickly. I really hope you enjoy your time with us in Kezi.
A.S: In the morning – OJ. In the afternoon - milkshake. When it’s hot – coke and when it’s cold – tea.
M.M: Interesting! A drink for all occasions. What did you think of the service at Crossroads Community Church?
A.S: It was my first time in a rural church. It’s incredible how people live out here. I am very impressed. The worship is very enjoyable even though I don’t understand the songs. People don’t have much but they have big hearts, big smiles and make the most of everything else. Unkulunkulu Muhle.
M.M: Go Adam! You’re picking up Ndebele quickly. I really hope you enjoy your time with us in Kezi.
By Molly Manhanga
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